Dear Democrats,
As you may know, the Democratic Party has stripped Florida of its delegates to the National Democratic convention. While this is a BIG disappointment, it does present a unique opportunity to ensure that a Democrat goes the White House in 2009!
How do we make this happen with no Florida Democratic delegates?
It sounds strange, but it's by voting in the Republican primary!
What?! Did I read that right? How can THAT help put a Dem in the White House?
Well, I'm glad you asked.
We've had to face all kinds of dirty tricks from the Republicans over the last 8 years. While we may not agree with them on... well, ANYTHING... we have to admit that their tactics have been effective, don't we? They've gotten us into a senseless war, they're trampling our civil liberties, they're letting the oil industry destroy our world, and they're helping their buddies make huge profits on the backs of our poor. They're doing all this and more because they've been able to keep us divided against ourselves.
Well, it's high time for us to deploy some Karl Rove divide-and-conquer tactics of our own.
The Republican Party is very vulnerable right now. They are beginning to fight amongst themselves... and we need to help them weaken their party even more.
By voting in the Republican primary, Democrats can split the Republican Party, and a weakened Republican Party is certain to lose. They'll lose not only the White House, but both houses of Congress.
So how do we split the Republican Party?
By voting for the Republican candidate that the rest of the Republicans hate.
That candidate is Ron Paul. Yes, it's the kook from Texas who wants to eliminate Social Security, Medicare, the IRS and most of the rest of the government programs so many people need.
Why do the rest of the Republicans hate him? That sounds like what ALL the Republicans want to do, right?
Right. But... Ron Paul is the only Republican who wants to end the war in Iraq immediately. This single issue makes him anathema to the rest of his party. You may have seen him taking heat from all the other candidates on stage at the debates. (That is, if you can stand to watch 8 old white millionaires try and out-greed each other for an hour!)
Ron Paul's anti-war views are extremely unpopular within the Republican Party. If he gets a significant number of delegates to their Convention, there will be chaos! And chaos in the Republican Party, my friends, is very, VERY good for the Democrats! If Ron Paul is a force at the Republican convention, DEMOCRATS WIN HANDS DOWN!!! Take that, Karl Rove!
So, how do we take advantage of this opportunity?
Well, we've got to work fast!
Florida has a closed primary. That means you must actually register as a Republican in order to vote in the Republican primary. (I know... just hold your nose and do it... Remember- Democrat in the White House!) You can change right back to Democrat after the election.
URGENT! We only have until December 31st to do this!!! That's less than a month away. Here's the link to the Florida Department of State - Division of Elections. Do it now. Right now. Your country's children need you!
Register now, and vote for Ron Paul on January 28th, 2008. Split the Republicans, hand everything to the Democrats. Save the country, and the planet. We can do this!